When Performance Technology Group was formed at the beginning of 2018, it was envisioned as a means of bringing together a varied and industry-leading product portfolio, interdisciplinary expertise and nationwide fabrication and distribution capabilities into a single-point-of-access, customer-focused offering.
The emphasis was on offering economies of scale and reducing complexity for the customer. Why spread your personnel across multiple meetings and multiple locations to discuss the fire, thermal and acoustic requirements of your project when PTG can address your needs over the course of a single engagement, with all the right people brought to the table? Before a single product has been delivered to site, this unified approach is saving you time, money and reducing the likelihood of error by removing unnecessary complexity.
Whilst offsite construction was very much on the PTG radar, it was only in the sense that the entire construction industry was on the PTG radar: commercial, residential, industrial, health, education hospitality, retail; from site protection, right at the outset of a project, through foundation work, from building envelope development to final fit-out.
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Nationwide Fabrication Facilities
As PTG began to catalogue its business assets, it soon became apparent it possessed phenomenal fabrication facilities penetrating all areas of the UK, from Scotland, down through the North of England, through the Midlands to London, the South East and the South West.
All of these facilities were positioned in prime locations to serve their regions, but more impressive was the sheer breadth of technology and machinery available.
This is just a selection of what PTG have to offer: band saws, beams saws, CNC machines, cold-wire saws, guillotines, horizontal saws, hot-wire cutters, lamella cutters, multisaws, panel saws, pillar drills, profilers, routers, slitting machines, slotting machines and spindle moulders. This comprehensive suite of equipment enables PTG to cut materials to any size and thickness, provide intricate edge and joint detailing, face grooving, pre-drilled holes, duct cut-outs and a wide range of bonding and laminating solutions. And it’s all operated and lovingly maintained by a crew of skilled and experienced personnel, and augmented by a raft of hand-finishing tools and techniques.
Materials and Supply
The fabrication facilities are set up to work with almost any material the modular construction industry can throw at it, from cement particle board to stone wool, from high-performance cladding panels to glass-fibre board, to produce bespoke flooring, ceiling and internal and external wall solutions.
A 2003 academic paper by A.G.F. Gibb and F. Isack – Re-engineering through pre-assembly: client expectations and drivers – was the result of interviews with major construction clients and identified, amongst many other things, that a “limited and disjointed supply chain” was a negative factor in relation to their projects.
PTG have supplied to some of the largest, logistically demanding construction projects in the UK, priding themselves on their reputation for uninterrupted supply, via strategically designated regional and local hubs and depots, and by creating and maintaining effective long-term relationships with a carefully selected group of manufacturers and suppliers.
Running in tandem with PTG’s product acquisition and the development of robust supply chains is a strong commitment to product testing, across fire, thermal and acoustic performance standards, with several senior members of our team involved with key industry bodies such as the Institute of Acoustics.
Mark Fyfe, Group Sales and Business Development Director for Performance Technology Group, said, “PTG can ‘plug-in’ to any modular contractor’s manufacturing and fabricating processes, effectively becoming a seamless part of their production line. Not only can we supply made-to-measure materials, we can supply a sequenced kit of parts or pre-assembled system components, potentially allowing a modular builder to rationalise their own asset base and reduce capital expenditure.”
Kara Windsor, PTG’s primary contact for all modular enquiries, said, “Modular construction is driven by an enthusiasm for efficiency, attention-to-detail, cost-effectiveness and, most importantly, innovation. PTG share all these values, making us the perfect fit for modular businesses.”