Latest innovations and products in the sustainability sections of the construction industry.


The new CIBSE accredited CPD from GF Building Flow Solutions (formerly Uponor) offers valuable insight into the many benefits of multi-layered composite (MLC) pipework, with a particular focus on its hygienic and sustainability credentials. The hour long, face-to-face session for building service engineers will look at the relevant legislation, best practice installation methods and dispel common myths surrounding MLC to support well informed specification decisions. 


The comprehensive CPD entitled: ‘The popularity and multiple benefits of MLC pipe systems,’ covers the size of the pipe market, legislation and megatrends. Following a review of the material’s features and benefits, the CPD goes on to look at hygienic considerations and how to prevent legionella, installation methods, project examples, as well as detailed technical aspects of MLC pipe systems including jointing technology and temperature ranges.


Rob Oakley, Business Development Manager at GF Building Flow Solutions said:

“MLC pipework has several advantages when compared to other materials. Our CPD aims to deepen the attendees’ knowledge of these systems and really showcase how they can deliver reliable, hygienic and sustainable solutions.”


To register interest and book onto GF Building Flow Solutions’ new CPD


or CLICK HERE to email Robert or call him on +44 (0) 7825 682930



GF Building Flow Solutions, a division of GF, is a leading global provider of sustainable and innovative solutions, making water flow in buildings. The division, stemming from the 2023 acquisition of Uponor by GF, provides safe solutions for hot and cold water supply and control, noise-reducing wastewater systems, as well as energy-efficient heating and cooling. Its focus is to enable its customers in the residential and commercial space to be more productive and sustainable, while ensuring comfort, health and efficiency. GF Building Flow Solutions has sales companies in 30 countries and production sites in 13 locations across Europe and the Americas. 

photo credits: Anson Chan and the Eden Project

Giant domes, made from what looks like vast sheets of bubble wrap, nestle in a peaceful valley in Cornwall, UK. The domes contain plants from all over the world and form the signature feature of the Eden Project.

Next door to the Eden Project, on a parcel of paved land roughly the size of a football pitch, sit a couple of innocuous-looking 10m-long (32ft) storage containers and a 3m-high (almost 10ft) red metal structure.

Directly beneath this structure, is a small hole that drops 5.3km (over 3 miles) down into Earth’s crust. With a diameter of only 25cm (the width of a pizza), it’s just wide enough to house two pipes; one wider, outer pipe through which to pump cold water down and an inner, ‘core’ pipe through which hot water is pumped back up to the surface.

From there it’s used to heat the Eden Project, maintaining the tropical temperatures the plants inside its domes need.

Today, a range of geothermal energy systems, like this one, make use of the natural heat stored deep below Earth’s surface, either for heating homes, commercial facilities or buildings like those at the Eden Project, or for generating electricity.

You can generate electricity with geothermal energy in two ways: either by pumping hot water and/or steam from underground wells up to the surface to drive a turbine; or by a process known as ‘hydrofracturing’, which forces cold water into hot rocks deep underground that heat the water before it’s returned to the surface to power a turbine.

“The deeper you go, the hotter it gets,” says Augusta Grand, CEO of Eden Geothermal. “The centre of Earth is as hot as the surface of the Sun. Geothermal is like the sleeping giant of renewables – it has so much potential.”

It seems that giant might be waking up. Quietly, around the world, a handful of engineering start-ups have been digging deep in the hopes of harnessing geothermal energy to produce electricity – the kind you can plug into a national grid and send to homes.

If they’re successful, it could completely change how the world creates its energy: they just have to find the right kind of rocks…

Getting in the Basement

Generating electricity requires rocks with much higher temperatures than those used for the Eden Project’s “relatively simple” heating system. Historically, access to extreme temperatures was limited to volcanic regions, such as Iceland and Italy.

The Svartsengi geothermal power station in Iceland provides hot water for over 20,000 homes and has the capacity to produce 750MW of electrical power – Photo credit: Getty Images

But now, game-changing technology means that new, ultra-deep geothermal projects are looking to drill many kilometres down to searingly hot basement rocks (those below the higher sedimentary layers, but above the mantle), which could generate far more energy than regular geothermal power plants.

One of the companies at the forefront of the quest to dig into these basement rocks is Quaise Energy. Based in Massachusetts, USA, it intends to use millimetre wave (MMW) technology, developed for nuclear fusion, to drill into the very hard, very hot basement rocks.

MMWs lie between microwaves and infrared on the electromagnetic spectrum. Around 15 years ago, Paul Woskov, a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center, spotted the potential for MMW technology to be adapted for drilling. In the last couple of years, Quaise Energy has used it to generate up to 100kW of power.

“We’re planning to drill with the energy of about 100 microwave ovens,” says Matthew Houde, co-founder of Quaise Energy. “Currently, we’re focused on scaling up the power of the technology, before taking it out of the lab and into the field by the end of this year.”

Quaise Energy has been working on two prototype rigs. The smaller rig will be the first to test the MMW technique in the field, drilling at about 3–4m/h (9–16ft/h). The second rig will scale up the process by hybridising the company’s technology with an existing onshore drilling rig supplied by its partner company Nabors.

To start with, surface rock will be drilled the conventional way, using mechanical drilling. But mechanical drilling won’t work in basement rocks, such as igneous and metamorphic rocks, where temperatures and pressures are too high for the equipment.

So, once engineers hit basement rocks, they’ll switch to MMW drilling. With MMW drilling, all the equipment remains at the surface and a ‘beam’ of high energy is fired down a hole. This way there’s no risk if the equipment breaks down, as it’s all on the surface at normal temperatures and pressures. The key to the success of the MMW technique, however, is drilling a very straight hole.

“Fusion developed ways to ‘shape a beam’, efficiently transmitting it down a metallic waveguide by keeping most of the microwave power concentrated towards the centre of the pipe,” says Houde. “The rock then absorbs this microwave energy, eventually melting, before beginning to evaporate.

In other words, the rock is vapourised, before purge gas is fired down the hole to cool and condense the vapour into a material that looks a bit like smoke or fly ash, before it’s extracted.”

With the rock out of the way, water can be pumped down into this high-temperature zone. When water reaches a temperature of around 374°C (705°F), it’s no longer possible to differentiate between the liquid and gas phase, and it becomes a supercritical fluid.

A power plant operating at these temperatures can produce up to 10 times more useful energy from each drop when compared to geothermal power plants operating today. A geothermal well producing supercritical water matches an oil or gas well in terms of power density – the amount of energy that’s flowing through that well.

“MMW is the most cost-effective drilling technique to deal with hard, high-temperature basement rocks at great depths,” says Houde. “Our aim is to reach high-temperature depths that are prohibitive for conventional drilling.

There are a lot of locations around the world where you can hit these temperatures at depths shallower than 10km (6 miles). So, we aren’t trying to drill the deepest hole on our first attempt. But our ambition is to create almost universal access to high-temperature geothermal resources by unlocking greater depths through the drilling technology.”

Groundbreaking Tech

While MMW could revolutionise high-temperature rock drilling, it’s not without its complications.

“The three big challenges are getting power down the hole, getting stuff out of the hole and keeping the hole open,” says Houde. “As we haven’t been able to drill 10km (6 miles) yet, we’ve only been able to model transmission efficiency of power down the hole.”

Mitigating plasma formation down the hole will be especially challenging. Rock vapour is so hot that it ionises and forms a sort of weak plasma. The key is to get as much power down the hole as possible for drilling, without losing power to plasma interfering with the beam, or losing power into the pipe.

But the biggest challenge causing concern in some camps isn’t the drilling, but the process of hydrofracturing, as forcing cold water through rock can trigger earthquakes. One afternoon in November 2017, a magnitude 5.5 earthquake shook the city of Pohang in South Korea. Dozens were injured and homes destroyed. The finger of blame pointed to a nearby geothermal project.

“Seismicity is a serious challenge, but completely manageable,” says Houde. “Compared to some incidents in the past where significant earthquakes were generated by geothermal operations, recent research has greatly improved our ability to monitor and mitigate.

Data from the US Department of Energy’s geothermal field site in Utah shows seismic events are extremely minor, falling under a bar I like to refer to as the ‘Taylor Swift bar’ – they generate less seismicity than your average Taylor Swift concert.”

The US Department of Energy is funding research looking at ways to reduce the risk of earthquakes yet increase the production of geothermal energy.

One project by researchers at Penn State University, whose results were published in Nature Communications last spring, applied machine learning to seismic activity data.

If combined with microearthquake monitoring by surface-based seismometers, the researchers hope this could help engineers gauge how far to push a system, ensuring they stay below a certain threshold that could cause damage during hydrofracturing.

Geothermal also runs a small health risk for site workers. Some rocks can naturally release radioactivity, which is fine if they’re buried deep underground. But soluble radioactive rocks brought to the surface in the water within a geothermal system will cool and form radioactive solid ‘scales’. Hence, safety procedures must be implemented to mitigate this.

Geothermal in the UK

Challenges aside, with the push for net zero, many governments have woken up to the huge potential of geothermal, acknowledging that it’s no longer just an energy source for volcanically active countries.

Indeed, at the start of 2024, the European Parliament voted resoundingly to support a European geothermal energy strategy. Already, in cities such as Paris, geothermal is used for some district heating systems. The Netherlands has set a target for five per cent of all the country’s heat to be generated by geothermal by 2030 and 23 per cent by 2050.

In the UK, the NHS has recognised the potential of geothermal to decarbonise hospitals, with the British Geological Survey identifying over 100 sites that could sit on top of geothermal aquifers. This would certainly help the NHS hit its ambitious net zero targets (2030 in Wales, 2040 in Scotland and 2045 in England).

While this sounds promising, Prof Gioia Falcone, Rankine Chair of Energy Engineering at the University of Glasgow and director of the Glasgow Centre for Sustainable Energy, says that the UK is actually lagging behind in recognising the potential of geothermal.

“Better late than never,” says Falcone. “Geothermal energy can help with both mitigation and adaptation to the climate change that’s already occurring by reducing emissions and offering a shielded subsurface environment, which is less exposed to the elements.

“The UK has almost every type of geothermal resource – except live volcanoes, obviously. I’ve seen a growing interest in this area, from governments to [businesses].”

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is funding a range of prospective geothermal projects, looking at sites around the UK, from hard granites in Cornwall and the north of Scotland, to sedimentary rocks in areas such as East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.

Dry, hard, hot granite rocks will be tapped for electricity generation, whereas softer, wetter sedimentary rocks are easier to drill, but release less energy, so they’ll be targeted for heating.

“Hot, dry rock requires artificial circulation of water to recover the heat contained in the dry rock,” says Falcone. “But, in an aquifer, if there’s enough permeability for water to move underground at the velocity needed, it’s much easier and cheaper than drilling into granites. This opens up a broader range of underground sites to explore.”

Centuries ago, villages, towns and cities were built next to water of some kind. In the future, planners might also consider geothermal potential when deciding on the location of new developments. In some cases, where a town already exists, the subsurface will be appraised to see if geothermal energy can support existing user needs.

In other cases, developers will scout for potential areas that could use geothermal energy for heating.

But, as Falcone says: “It’s important to be transparent and honest about how many homes, swimming pools or commercial buildings a project could actually support, and for how long.”

Solving the Energy Crisis

Geothermal energy has a lot of benefits, even over other renewables. Unlike wind and solar, which are intermittent, geothermal can provide a consistent base-load source of energy. Wind and solar also require a lot of extra infrastructure to store any surplus power generated to cover demand when the skies aren’t clear and the wind’s not blowing.

Geothermal infrastructure also takes up much less space than solar or wind farms. “[Plus] almost all materials used in deep geothermal technology can be recycled,” says Falcone.

“Whereas, when wind turbines are decommissioned, many materials can’t be recycled and there’s a risk that cut carbon fibres can be inhaled and cause health issues.”

Limitless, clean energy is the holy grail in the push for net zero. The next few years will show if there’s an appetite for geothermal projects and whether deep-drilling tech can live up to its promise.

Houde is hopeful: “If we can drill deep enough to access high temperatures economically, geothermal is the only clean, firm source of energy that can be scaled up globally.”

Back at the Eden Project, plans are being made to drill a second hole, which would generate electricity as well as heat. Grand sees geothermal as the way to hit net zero targets while keeping the lights on:

“People want cold beers and hot showers – in order to achieve that, geothermal energy is a great addition to our armoury of renewable technologies.”

Unlocking Earth’s Energy: How does geothermal energy work?

Wind, solar and other renewable energy sources are transforming the way we power our world. But there’s another source of sustainable energy that’s often overlooked. Deep within the Earth lies a mass that’s as hot as the surface of the Sun.

This fiery remnant from the formative era of our Solar System is our planet’s core and it’s the source of geothermal energy.

Geothermal energy is already used all around the world; from systems that use the stable warmth found beneath our feet to heat our homes, to those that probe deeper in search of hotter conditions that can generate electricity in power plants.

The real prize is even deeper. Extreme conditions deep within Earth could provide abundant energy, thanks to water’s unique behaviour when it becomes supercritical* at high temperatures.

The good news is that we don’t need to go far. In fact, we only need to tunnel down around 20km (12 miles) to reach the necessary temperatures. The bad news is that this is further than we’ve ever gone.

The deepest human-made excavation on Earth is the Kola Superdeep Borehole, a roughly 12km-hole (7.5 miles) that took Soviet scientists and engineers almost 20 years to complete.

One company has a solution. Using technology borrowed from the world of fusion research, they plan to ditch traditional drills and use powerful electromagnetic waves to reach into the depths of Earth and unlock a new revolution in renewable energy production.

What is supercritical water?

When water is exposed to high temperatures (374°C or 705°F) and pressures (22.1 MPa1) it becomes supercritical, where its liquid and gas forms become indistinguishable. This state enhances its ability to transfer heat, making it particularly effective for energy production.

Quaise’s Millimeter Wave Drilling System

Geothermal energy has the potential to transform global energy production — if we can drill deep enough. Quaise, a Boston-based energy technology company, think it has the answer.

Its drilling system uses high-frequency electromagnetic waves to vaporise rock, bypassing the limitations of traditional drilling methods. Quaise believes it can reach the necessary depths in 100 days.

Ground-source heat pumps

These systems offer an efficient, low-carbon alternative to traditional boilers. They pump a mixture of water and antifreeze, called ‘brine’, through an underground pipe. Heat from Earth is absorbed by the brine, which then goes through a process that allows the heat to be used to warm water and buildings.

Repurposing old coal mines

Around 25% of the UK population live above abandoned coal mines. Most of these old mines are flooded, which provides great opportunities for geothermal energy production. Water, naturally warmed within Earth, is extracted and used to provide heat, before being pumped back into the mine, as part of a sustainable cycle.

Conventional geothermal energy systems

Traditional geothermal energy production is common in volcanically active regions, where wells are drilled to access geothermal reservoirs. Hot water is brought to the surface to provide heat or generate electricity by using its steam to spin a turbine. The cooled water is then returned to the reservoir to be warmed again.


Source: Science Focus

UK low-carbon renewable power is on course for a major milestone in 2024, overtaking fossil fuel generation for the first full year.

That is according to a new report from global energy think tank Ember, which claims wind power is also close to becoming the single largest source of UK power for the first time.

Rising renewables, low demand and cheaper power imports all helped reduce fossil fuel use in the UK power system to record lows, the report claimed.

For the first full year wind, solar and hydropower will generate more electricity than all fossil fuels combined, it said.

The report reviews power generation statistics for the UK across 2024. Earlier this year, the UK saw the closure of its last coal power station.

Ember claims low-carbon renewable sources will reach a record high in 2024, generating 37% of UK electricity (103TWh), overtaking fossil fuels (97TWh, 35%) for the first time.

Just three years ago, in 2021, fossil fuels generated 46% of UK electricity, while low-carbon renewables generated 27%.

Including biomass, renewables overtook fossil fuels for the first time in 2020. However, Ember’s analysis raises concerns about biomass being categorised as clean power in the UK, given the significant emissions risks.

Ember predicts gas power use is set to decrease by 13% (-13 TWh) in 2024 compared to the previous year, displaced by electricity imports and clean power.

Meanwhile, the think tank said wind is well on the way to becoming the largest single source of UK power. Depending on December’s conditions, wind could overtake gas as the UK’s largest source of electricity in 2024, it said. UK wind power is currently forecast to generate 29% of UK electricity in 2024, totalling 82TWh, which is 3TWh less than fossil gas (85TWh, 30%).

Senior energy and climate analyst for the UK at Ember Frankie Mayo said:

“The renewables future is here. This long-awaited milestone is a testament to how much progress the UK has made.

“It’s time to seize the moment, to cut reliance on expensive gas with new renewables, storage, and grid upgrades.

“With the phase-out of coal power completed this year, reducing gas use is the next big opportunity for the country.”



Leading hardware brand Zoo brought staff together in November to celebrate15 years of growth and innovation, while looking ahead to 2025 and beyond.


The brand, which has grown from a small operation in Carlisle with just three employees in a porta-cabin to become part of the global Quanex family, has built a strong reputation as a leading designer and supplier of architectural hardware, thanks to its innovative products and commitment to quality and service.


2024 has seen Zoo Hardware launch a number of new products including the industry-first ZHSSFH-243 flush hinges, which can be installed up to three times faster than traditional butt hinges.


It has also built a partnership with Secured by Design, the official police security initiative working to improve the security of buildings, while welcoming new members to the team, such as Sales Manager Hayley Cotterill and Procurement Director Steven Holt.


The Zoo Hardware team came together at its Cumbria base to mark the brand’s 15 year anniversary, with Angela Griffin, Head of Marketing, reflecting on the brand’s growth and future.


They said:

“Reaching this milestone is a testament to the dedication of our staff, the loyalty of our customers, and the strong partnerships we’ve built over the years.


“Zoo is a dynamic, resilient and growing business which architectural ironmongers and specifiers can rely on to deliver a seamless experience, whether its specification guidance from our GAI qualified team or effective aftersales support.


“We pride ourselves on bringing product innovations to market that are built on extensive technical expertise and challenge the norm when it comes to aesthetics, functionality and performance.


“There is more to come in 2025, with new products, initiatives and faces coming on board to help set the tone for many more incredible years of Zoo.”

CLICK HERE for more information on Zoo Hardware and its portfolio of architectural door hardware
or call 01228 672900




(Image credit: Mikhail Nilov,


AI is revolutionising most if not all work industries, and construction is no exception. Advanced technologies, including machine learning and computer vision, are being implemented into various facets of the sector to improve efficiency in areas such as planning, safety, quality control and overall productivity.

Although AI has the potential to revolutionise construction processes, what about areas of construction that remain beyond the reach of automation?

One long-existing challenge in the industry is a shortage of skilled human labour on job sites. With an ageing workforce and declining uptake of young people in construction-based roles, the UK sector, according to the CITB, is said to need an extra 250,000 workers over the next 4 years to meet the UK’s building output demand.

The following article from Watts discovers if the modernisation and diversification brought by AI, could help bridge this workforce gap in construction.


The current workforce gap 

Although the construction industry holds many benefits such as diverse daily tasks, competitive pay, and options for progression, the industry has faced challenges when it comes to attracting and retaining a sufficient workforce.

As it stands, in the first quarter of 2024, 2.1 million people were employed in the the construction industry, however, according to industry body CITB, construction will need to see an extra 250,000 workers over the next 4 years to meet the UK’s output demand which is currently resulting in a decline in project starts, and contract awards across the country.

Construction has long struggled with an ageing workforce, with the average construction worker said to be around 50 years old. According to the 2021 census, 33% of workers were aged 35–45, 31% were 50–64, and only 9% were aged 16–24, demonstrating the decline we are seeing in young people entering the sector compared to previous years.


A lack of uptake 

As part of a broader initiative, industry bodies have been advocating for years that one way to address a declining workforce is by attracting more young people into the construction sector.

Like many industries, as construction recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, industry bodies have emphasised the importance of attracting a wide range of talent from early on including recent graduates, early-career professionals, career changers, and those newly entering the workforce.

However, to this day, apprenticeships – a primary entry point to the sector – remain low.

According to UCAS, in 2024, while over half a million students will enter full-time undergraduate programs, fewer than 5,000 young people will start apprenticeships at Level 4 and above. Meaning that apprenticeships will often be left to individual employers and organisations to manage, impacting sectors like construction that rely heavily on apprentices to sustain their workforce.

Across the UK, job vacancies in construction remain high, yet many working-age people struggle to find employment that fits their needs and aspirations. In response, there are efforts to reshape the way careers in construction are perceived and experienced by young people.


Changing perceptions 

A major factor contributing to the low uptake in the construction sector, as reported by the CITB, is the stigma around construction careers. So much so that they are recognising the importance of changing perceptions, and prioritising messages that resonate with younger audiences when reaching them.

Although there is an interest in construction careers, young people are still reportedly viewing the majority of careers in construction as outdated, labour-intensive, and mostly male-dominated, meaning that the sector faces challenges in turning initial interest into action and attracting and retaining a sufficient workforce.

Considering that many young people are entering the workforce just as AI begins to transform it and traditional industries evolve, recent findings from a report conducted by Currys reveal that over 30% of student respondents stated that the emergence of AI influenced their chosen field of study, while 63% believe that AI has improved their chances of career success. When these findings are compared with the recruitment challenges facing the construction industry it becomes clear that integrating AI is essential for construction to attract top talent and be seen as a first-choice career path.


Evolving job roles

Given the vast potential of AI in construction, AI will not only change the way the industry is perceived, but how tasks are performed too. The 2023 World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Future of Jobs Report found that 23% of today’s jobs will change, and that 44% of workers’ core skills are expected to change from 2023-2027.

Construction roles will also adapt to technological developments. They will shift from being hands-on labour into supervisory roles, where, instead of performing traditional manual tasks, workers will focus on checking and validating AI-driven work and processes. These new roles will require a certain level of digital skill, creating future workforces that are capable of managing advanced technologies in real-world settings.


Envisioning the future 

Like many other industries before it, as construction onboards more and more AI processes, the way the industry is perceived by young people will be challenged. The introduction of cutting-edge technologies will not only make it more appealing to tech-forward individuals, but offer more openings for AI-related fields in the construction industry.

As construction roles become more dynamic and technology-driven, the industry has the potential to attract a younger demographic interested in working on the front lines of innovation and digital transformation, helping to change the narrative from a more traditional career choice, to one that is evolving and adapting to our ever-changing world and societies.

Existing Smaller NHBC Training Hub

NHBC invests £100M in Multi-Skills Training Hubs to tackle UK house-building skills shortage

As part of the government’s plans announced this morning to get Britain building again, the National House Building Council (NHBC) is supercharging the UK house-building industry with the launch of the first 12 new multi-skills training hubs, backed by its £100 million investment.

The new national network of NHBC Multi-Skills Training Hubs will address the house-building industry’s growing skills shortage by producing an additional 3,000 skilled and site-ready tradespeople faster each year.

As the UK’s leading independent provider of warranty and insurance for new-build homes, NHBC is committed to closing the skills gap in the house-building industry with the launch of its new training hubs. These expert facilities will initially provide training in areas of critical demand for housebuilding, including bricklaying, groundwork and site carpentry. They are designed to stay flexible however, ready to adapt to local housing needs and changes in regulations.

Roger Morton, Director of Change and Training Hubs at NHBC, commented:

“We’re not just training apprentices, we’re shaping the future of UK house building. With 25 years as an officer in the Royal Engineers, I’m driven by navigating challenges and improving quality. NHBC’s multi-skills hubs will shake up house-building training, tackling the skills shortage head-on and making a real difference to the future of the industry. Our multi-skills hubs will have a significant impact, producing skilled tradespeople faster and who are ready to hit the ground running from day one. Our mission is to make sure  every apprentice meets NHBC’s high standards, guaranteeing quality and delivering the homes the UK urgently needs, when and where they’re needed.

“With competitive salaries for qualified tradespeople, NHBC’s Multi-Skills Training Hubs offer a faster, diverse and rewarding pathway into the house-building industry. Thanks to funding support through the Apprenticeship Levy and generous grants, there’s never been a better time for builders and contractors to invest in taking on apprentices and for people to start a rewarding career in this essential industry.”


NHBC’s Multi-Skills Hubs stand apart by immersing apprentices in real-site conditions from day one, fully preparing them for life on site. While traditional training routes can take up to 30 months, NHBC’s fast-track approach enables apprentices to complete their training in just 14 to 18 months – nearly twice as fast as other more traditional programmes – with many graduates achieving distinctions.

Alice Clay, 19, from Patrington, Hull and a brickwork apprentice trained by NHBC, praised the initiative:

“The NHBC Multi-Skills Training Hubs are going to make a real difference! It’s really appealing to apprentices and builders because these hubs will be training skilled tradespeople faster than ever, giving a huge boost to getting more quality homes built across the UK.

“I was the first woman to pass my NHBC Bricklaying apprenticeship and I achieved a distinction! I knew I wanted a practical job and within weeks of joining the NHBC training programme, I felt confident and capable on site. There’s a lot to learn, but training at an NHBC hub meant I was working in real-site conditions from day one. I’d learn at the hub and then regularly put my new skills and knowledge into practice out on site. The training NHBC offers is of a gold standard. It’s well-respected, hands-on and fast-paced. It’s exactly what the industry needs.”

NHBC’s Multi-Skills Training Hubs will help meet industry demands for faster, more flexible and practical training to support UK house builders in meeting the government’s target of 1.5 million new homes over the next five years. The initiative is especially timely, as the UK faces an urgent need for skilled workers, with estimates showing over 250,000 new construction workers will be needed by 2028 to meet industry demand.

Ben Thorburn, 23, a Bricklaying Apprentice from Histon, Cambridgeshire, with GSQ Brickwork at the NHBC Training Hub in Cambridge, shared:

“NHBC’s new multi-skills hubs are a fantastic initiative! They’re going to transform how the UK trains its house-building workforce. Training with NHBC means I’m gaining the best industry recognised qualification quickly. It’s only going to take me 15 months to complete my apprenticeship. That’s half the time of other Further Education options. That’s crucial when you have financial responsibilities like I do. I wouldn’t have been able to afford the time otherwise.

“NHBC’s Training Hubs also have a big appeal for the subcontractor I work for because I’m on site faster and fully qualified to industry-leading standards. My company can build a team of skilled tradespeople, quickly. Alongside the support of the Apprenticeship Levy builders can get, the new hubs mean it’s a win-win for everyone.

“Looking ahead, the housebuilding industry offers amazing career prospects. Once I qualify in January, I’ll be on track to earn an average of around £50,000 a year. I was discouraged from doing an apprenticeship at school and my teachers pushed me towards university as the only real option. After my A-Levels, I realised a desk job wasn’t for me. There’s a misconception that bricklayers aren’t academic, but that’s just not true. I’m proof that you can build a successful career in housebuilding through an apprenticeship and I’m aiming to move into a management role down the line.”

With funding support from the Apprenticeship Levy and other grants, NHBC’s apprenticeships are an attractive option for builders and contractors of all sizes looking to develop and grow a skilled workforce, and individuals considering a rewarding career path in house building.

Tegan Pryor, 22 from Shefford in Bedfordshire and an apprentice at the NHBC Training Hub in Cambridge said she struggled to find a bricklaying apprenticeship:

“We need more houses, but we also need more small and medium-sized builders to take on apprentices. I was really surprised by how difficult it was to secure an apprenticeship, as there simply weren’t enough opportunities in the house-building industry and competition was fierce for the few available spots. Eventually, I secured an apprenticeship with Redrow and with NHBC’s training, I’ll qualify in just 15 months. Soon I’ll be out on site earning a great wage and knowing exactly what to expect as I’ve been trained in real site conditions  by NHBC’s expert trainers.

“I know the new multi-skills training hubs will make a big difference in local communities. I’d encourage builders and contractors to invest in the future by taking on apprentices like me. Together, we can grow a skilled workforce that will help close the industry’s skills gap and deliver the quality homes we need.”

NHBC is currently evaluating prospective locations for its new Multi-Skills Training Hubs across the UK, with plans for its first hub to launch in early 2025 and 11 more to follow at pace.

CLICK HERE For more information





The drill and blast method is rarely used in the UK (Credit: Strabag)

How ground condition unknowns impacted Coire Glas exploratory adit construction

A 1.2km exploratory adit has been constructed for extensive ground investigations to inform the detailed design of SSE Renewables’ Coire Glas pumped storage hydro scheme in the Scottish Highlands.

It has been four decades since the last pumped storage hydro station in the UK – the 1.8GW Dinorwig Power Station in Wales – was connected to the grid, but the construction of new assets could be imminent.

With efforts to achieve net zero ramping up, energy suppliers are paying greater attention to pumped storage hydro, as they have recognised the important role that clean energy storage can play. There are currently several pumped storage hydro projects being developed in the UK, the majority of them in Scotland.

SSE Renewables is looking to expand its existing 300MW pumped storage hydro portfolio and is currently developing two new projects in the Scottish Highlands, the up to 1,800MW Loch Fearna in association with Gilkes Energy and the 1,300MW Coire Glas.

Work on the Coire Glas scheme, located in the Great Glen on the shores of Loch Lochy, is more advanced. Planning consent has been secured for electricity storage capacity of up to 30GWh, more than double the UK’s existing 24GWh capacity. If constructed, it will be able to generate enough electricity to supply 3M homes for 24 hours within five minutes.

A significant milestone for the project was reached in August, when the construction of a 1.2km long exploratory adit was completed. SSE Renewables decided to build the adit to collect data on the ground conditions, which will be used for the detailed design of the proposed scheme’s large underground assets. The company has already invested £100M in the scheme, with approximately half of the sum allocated to ground investigations.

Stantec and Cowi have developed the reference design for the cavern complex, tunnels, shafts and 92m-tall dam. According to the reference design, 11km of tunnels will connect the powerhouse assets – the main inlet valve gallery, the machine hall and the transformer hall – with the 730m deep surge shaft.


“The powerhouse complex is a series of caverns which are interconnected. The caverns, up to 168m long and 52m high, will be located several hundred meters below ground level,” says SSE Renewables senior engineering geologist Jessica Smith. “Investigation from the surface in such topography is incredibly challenging. The only way we could investigate the cavern locations was by building the adit.”

The project site straddles the boundary with the Great Glen Fault Zone and the Tarvie Psammite Formation. The Great Glen Fault is one of the UK’s major geological terrane boundaries.

Smith says SSE Renewables wanted to find out where the boundary is and have a better understanding of the transition from one ground condition to the other. Stantec engineer Katherine Brightwell adds that the ground investigations are important because there is not much information available on the Great Glen Fault’s characteristics.

Design and construction

Designing the adit was challenging for Stantec and Cowi due to the lack of data available on the ground conditions. “At the time, only some surface mapping had been carried out [by British Geological Survey in 2010 for the feasibility study]. It’s quite unusual for a tunnel to be designed with no information, but in this case the adit itself is part of the ground investigation,” says Smith.

The original plan involved the construction of a 915m long adit and a single drilling gallery for the ground investigations. Earlier this year, the client decided to change the scope, extending the tunnel to 1,175m and increasing the number of drilling galleries to three. The dimensions of the adit vary, with the average height being around 5m and with a width of 4.5m.

Through this extension, the adit skirts one side of the powerhouse location. “We don’t want to tunnel right into it, but we need to get close enough to carry out the ground investigations and get the boreholes targeting those areas,” Smith explains.

SSE Renewables awarded the contract for the construction of the exploratory adit to Strabag in November 2022. Strabag senior commercial manager Aleko Vassileiou says the contractor started working on site in December 2022 and the first six months were spent clearing the site for the creation of usable space for the offices, workshops and water treatment plant.

Vassileiou adds that site limitations and issues with accessibility led to the use of the Caledonian Canal for the transportation of some equipment to site.

Tunnelling activities started in May 2023, with drill and blast chosen as the optimal tunnelling method.

“The tunnel is for ground investigation and its purpose was to enable data on ground conditions to be collected, including by conducting detailed mapping of the face after each advance. With that in mind, and considering the nature of the rock mass, drill and blast was the only practical methodology for the works,” says Smith.

As drill and blast is rarely used in the UK, Strabag tunnel sub-agent Douglas Whiteford says special training had to be provided to the team by the contractor’s experts and Steve Brace Consultants.

Whiteford adds that the contractor had to engage with Police Scotland to get a special license for the use of explosives and follow specific regulations in relation to their storage. A total of 80t of emulsion explosives and 43,000 detonators were used for the construction of the adit.

Strabag used a drilling rig with two booms to drill 2.8m holes in specific locations into the rock and filled these with explosives.

“Once detonation was complete, we would remove all the spoil and trim any loose rock and then geologists would come in and map the face. After that, the support class was determined and installed,” Whiteford explains. There were four support classes in the design envelope linked to the rock mass quality value (Q-value) and overburden.

Shotcrete was then applied – ranging from 50mm to 250mm according to the ground conditions – followed by the installation of rock bolts.

Ten different excavation profiles were used for the tunnel. The tunnel has a predominantly horseshoe profile, with profile dimensions varying according to functions – for example, passing bays and turning niches – or ground conditions.

The drill and blast method is rarely used in the UK (Credit: Strabag)

Fault encounter

One very distinctive profile is a circular one stretching around 28m. Last December, Strabag’s team encountered poor ground that began at around 728m from the tunnel portal.

“We didn’t expect a feature of that size and of that condition in that location,” says Smith. “The support classes that were available to use would not have been suitable and that was partly because of the condition of the rock mass and the depth below ground surface, which was approximately 400m.”

Whiteford says the ground was much softer than expected, a condition not incorporated in the original design. This meant that Stantec and Cowi had to develop a bespoke design.

As drill and blast is not used for such ground conditions, the team had to source new equipment to carry out mechanical excavation.

“We also had mixed face which was a challenge for the engineers. There were some soft areas which had to be excavated mechanically, and then other large areas within the face that needed to be blasted,” Vassileiou adds.

While the new designs were being developed and new equipment sourced, Züblin drilled a borehole along the tunnel alignment and Amberg carried out tunnel seismic prediction to determine the extent of the poor ground and to validate the design of the bespoke support solution.

Whiteford says H-beams, 300mm shotcrete, rock bolts and rock dowels were used to support this section of the adit.

The fault caused a three-month delay.

“The reason we have built the adit is to test our conceptual ground model so that we can avoid surprises when it comes to the main works. Had this happened with the main works, the impact on programme and the cost would have been much greater. This shows that ground investigation is always worth the investment,” says Smith.

Ground investigation

By mapping the face of the adit during the tunnelling process, the geologists captured information on the ground conditions across the adit alignment.

Since the completion of the tunnel in August, Züblin has been carrying out horizontal borehole drilling from the three drilling galleries.

“The advantage of amending the length of the adit and curving round the cavern locations is that it gives us a more targeted ground investigation,” says Smith.

The plan is for 31 boreholes ranging from 20m to 238m to be drilled. When NCE visited the site in October, drilling activities were substantially complete, with the focus shifting to in-situ testing.

“We are interested to better understand in-situ stresses, because we want to orientate the caverns in the most optimised way to suit the in-situ stress regime,” Smith adds.

Brightwell adds that through in-situ testing, the team is collecting additional data on the rock condition.

“We take extra data about Q-value and Geological Strength Index logging, which is beyond what you typically get from standard ground investigation.”

Several other subcontractors are involved in the in-situ testing. Robertson Geo is conducting wireline geophysical logging and televiewer surveys in the boreholes. Solexperts have been doing the plate jack testing by pushing a thick metal plate into the ground using a hydraulic jack and collecting data on rock mass deformation from extensometers installed 6m deep. Cambridge Insitu is carrying out hydraulic fracture testing to determine the tensile strength of the rock mass and the magnitude of horizontal stresses.

Brightwell says some core samples have been sent for laboratory analysis including standard testing – for example, uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and aggregate testing – as well as specialist suites, such as K-Ar dating and drillability testing.

The ground condition investigations for the project extend beyond underground locations. Last year, Fugro completed wider site geotechnical investigations at the proposed locations of the dam and reservoir. It also investigated the potential surge shaft location by drilling a borehole to a depth of 650m.

Smith says they have recently received the final factual report from that ground investigation. Smith commented on the results:

“It was reassuring to see that the original hypothesis about those locations stands up based on the results of the ground investigation.”

The underground drilling and testing are expected to be completed by the end of the year, but data on tunnel deformation will continue to be collected through instrumentation installed on the tunnel lining.

SSE Renewables has also established an offsite storage facility at Fort Augustus where core samples will be preserved for future research.

Smith highlights that the data the project acquires for the Great Glen Fault will benefit the geoscience and engineering sectors. SSE Renewables stakeholder engagement manager Jade Clark adds the exploratory tunnel construction has already benefitted the local community through job creation and upskilling. According to the project team, 28% of the people that worked on this project phase are Scottish Highland residents.

The benefits to the local community and economy will be magnified if SSE Renewables decides to make the investment into the £1.5bn scheme, which will depend on the government’s delivery of the cap-and-floor mechanism. Through this mechanism, which was announced in October, investors will have guaranteed revenues above an agreed floor and will limit revenues to an agreed cap for the benefit of consumers.

The tendering process for the main construction contract has begun, with the client hoping for construction to start in 2026 and project commissioning in 2032.


Source: New Civil Engineer


David Connacher, Marketing Manager of West Fraser, discusses how inhabitant behaviour is integral to a building’s success and performance


People spend 80-90%* of their time indoors so internal spaces and environments are incredibly important to quality of life and wellbeing. They can affect mental health and may trigger allergies; even the fact of being too hot or too cold can influence productivity. Frustratingly, understanding the relationship between buildings and those that occupy them is not an exact science.

While poor indoor air quality and overheating are well known problems, architects, designers and M&E consultants cannot necessarily predict patterns of occupant behaviour. Building users are fickle and often override or even tamper with the devices and components installed to make systems work effectively. This can range from the simple act of adjusting thermostats or air condition controls to disconnecting devices that they perceive to be noisy or wasteful of energy, such as MVHR (Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery) systems. Poor performance also results from maintenance being neglected, for example, ongoing servicing and filter cleaning. 

An over-reliance on technology to solve inherent building design issues is not the answer when it comes to creating healthy and energy efficient buildings. While fabric first principles must always be at the forefront of building design, they must also be coupled with the education of building owners and occupiers, especially when focusing on reducing energy use.

Paradoxically, the belief that we are being efficient tends to lead us to consume more energy. The knowledge that lightbulbs are low energy often means there is far less incentive to turn them off, so the overall energy used is little different from before. This idea that increased energy efficiency results in increased energy consumption is widely accepted and is dubbed the Khazzoom-Brookes postulate. At its extreme, people may put the money saved on energy in their home towards overseas holidays involving flying – hardly the most sustainable option.


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Enviro’s Chairman Alf Blomqvist and Board Member Nina Macpherson Speak at COP29 Climate Hub

Scandinavian Enviro Systems (Enviro) is participating today at the Climate Hub conference, held during the UN’s climate meeting COP29. Enviro’s chairman of the board, Alf Blomqvist, and board member, Nina Macpherson, will take part in a panel discussion on ecocide – mass destruction of the environment – and share how Enviro contributes to both environmental and economic sustainability.

During COP29, a series of side events is being organized, including Climate Hub. Alf Blomqvist and Nina Macpherson will participate in a panel discussion titled “Business leaders for Ecocide Law: Criminalizing Ecocide & Leveling the Playing Field.” Alongside Blomqvist and Macpherson, Scania’s Head of Sustainability, Fredrik Nilzén, and Johan Falk, CEO of Exponential Roadmap Initiative, will also take part in the discussion.

“The need for international legislation against ecocide is clear, and Climate Hub is an excellent platform for us to discuss both Enviro’s position and the work the company is doing to promote the environment and sustainability,” says Nina Macpherson, Board Member of Scandinavian Enviro Systems and Chair of the Ecocide Law Alliance, a foundation working to introduce ecocide as a crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

COP29 is being held in Baku, Azerbaijan, and is the 29th edition of the UN climate conference, where countries around the world come together to discuss and negotiate global efforts to combat climate change.

“We are proud to participate in such an important forum and to share Enviro’s work in fostering sustainability from both an environmental and economic perspective,” says Alf Blomqvist, Chairman of the board of Enviro.

Read more about Climate Hub



Ashden welcomes UK Government’s ambitious 81% carbon emission reduction target, but highlights need for fairness and a fully-fledged plan

UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s presence at COP 29 in Baku and commitment to this updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) is exactly the sort of leadership the world is crying out for on climate. With the UK’s green economy growing 9% in 2023 while the wider economy stagnated, it is clear that strong climate ambition drives innovation, job creation, and prosperity. UK businesses and civil society have long called for such leadership to ensure a just and sustainable transition.

However, as recent global events have underscored, public trust and fairness are critical to sustaining momentum for ambitious climate action. Everyday people must see and feel the fairness of these changes. It is not enough to set bold targets; we must ensure the journey to achieve them is equitable, with tangible improvements in livelihoods, jobs, and community resilience across the country.

Dr Ashok Sinha, CEO of Ashden who is attending COP29, said:

“At a time when there are headwinds against government action to avert catastrophic climate change in both the US and EU, the announcement by the UK of strong new NDC 3.0 at COP29 – a year ahead of time – is the kind of climate diplomacy the world needs. Equally importantly, it sets the agenda at home for realising the huge social and economic gains that a fair transition to a zero carbon economy will bring.

“But now the even harder work begins. Decarbonising the grid and land transport is comparatively easy compared to capturing the huge potential of local and community renewables and decarbonising heat in our buildings, place by place, dwelling by dwelling. That will require a new approach by government based on supporting bespoke local action, everywhere.

“Ashden works with enterprises and organisations that are demonstrating just the kinds of technical, financial, training and community engagement innovations we will need to become the norm. For these innovators to succeed, government will need to trust cities, towns and communities, clear the policy blockages they face and support them to access the finance they need to succeed. That’s what we now expect to see, following today’s hugely welcome announcement.”

Ashden Award winners show how inclusive, people-focused climate solutions make a difference. B4Box in Manchester trains disadvantaged individuals in green construction skills, creating jobs while reducing emissions through home retrofitting. Energise Barnsley empowers social housing tenants with solar panels and energy storage, cutting energy costs and carbon while boosting energy independence.

The reality is stark: the UK is not currently on track to meet its existing 68% by 2030 NDC target. Increased action is an absolute imperative. To succeed, the government must deliver a comprehensive and well-resourced plan to meet these new targets. The UK’s upcoming Carbon Budget Delivery Plan, due in early 2025, must clearly outline how international and national targets will be delivered within an ambitious, fast-paced, and inclusive policy framework.

This framework must prioritise the needs of people and communities, particularly those most affected by the transition.

Ashden stands ready to support ambitious action and urges the UK Government to make the vision of a fair, green transition a reality for all.