Entries by Lyn


TOKYO: With Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga pledging to bring Japan’s carbon dioxide emissions to net zero by 2050, a growing number of Japanese companies are looking at how they can make a bigger contribution to curbing global warming. As investors scrutinize how firms address environmental issues, sustainability and governance, Japanese trading houses are reviewing business […]


Cladmate Cladding Support Systems are a long term manufacturer of Aluminium & Steel Rainscreen cladding support systems. Family owned since its conception, the family has been involved in the construction industry stretching back 3 generations. Cladmate are part of a larger group of companies called KNT Group, who specialise in a variety of building materials […]

The 19mm Collated Screw System for Flooring Is Here!

Floor fitters and home owners alike will be all too familiar with the curse of squeaky floorboards. Time after time the culprit is the fasteners; nails working loose over time, leading to expensive callbacks and customer dissatisfaction. While it’s well known that screws provide a tighter grip power by pulling the boards together, fitting 6mm […]


Is airtightness exacerbating ill-health amidst the pandemic?

Government incentives designed to encourage energy efficiency, coupled with technological advancements, have applied pressure on the construction industry to build increasingly airtight buildings of late. However, high levels of airtightness and poor ventilation are building up major health problems in new housing, according to a study by Glasgow School of Art’s Mackintosh Environmental Architecture Research […]


VORTICE LAUNCHES THE UVLOGIKA ENVIRONMENTAL SANITISER   Never before has there been so much emphasis on the sanitisation and disinfection of surfaces we come into contact with. The ongoing battle against COVID-19 means it is essential for our health and wellbeing that surfaces are sanitised efficiently, especially in public spaces.   VORTICE has now introduced […]


HUSK SECURES FIRST PATENT FOR INNOVATIVE GARAGE BASED AFFORDABLE HOUSING CONCEPT   A house designer has been awarded a UK patent for its innovative approach to transforming unwanted and disused garage sites into affordable new homes.   The patent covers HUSK’s ground-breaking solution for the design and build of one and two bedroomed homes on […]

Free trade or red tape

A recent survey of British Coatings Federation (BCF) members demonstrates how Brexit has impacted negatively on the coatings sector in the form of new customs red-tape and higher costs since 1st January.  The survey reported higher shipping costs, increased costs of imported raw materials, and new administration costs to complete customs paperwork, with 30% of […]


The Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) has launched a series of briefings exploring how Project Speed can improve delivery of hospitals, schools, homes and rail. The output from four industry roundtables hosted by ACE in partnership with construction firms Laing O’Rourke, Mace and Reds10, as well as Network Rail and housebuilder Thakeham, the briefings […]

Construction contracts, an overview

What standard contract forms are used for construction and design? Must the language of the contract be the local language? Are there restrictions on choice of law and the venue for dispute resolution? Standard forms A number of standard form contracts have been created in an attempt to provide standardisation and as a means of […]