
Rinnai’s Chris Goggin looks at what the new Government will face in establishing and re-organizing a coherent set of policies to enable the realistic achievement of NetZero in a pragmatic, economic and technically feasible manner. He will look at the current policy for off-grid properties as an example. And explore the alternative fuels coming onstream such as BioLPG and rDME.


The new Labour government should be legislating for UK customers to have flexible energy options that reflect the practical, economic, and technical reasoning needed to design and install decarbonising technology for all residential and commercial carbon reduction. Previously, despite electioneering statements by the then Govt, UK policy struggled to address the practical, economic, and technical feasibility nuances of the UK building stock and instead touted a heat pump only approach.

Now that a new government is in place an adapted national policy that affects both off and on-grid customers should focus on supplying UK customers with practical, technical, and economic solutions to every individual site.

Additionally, a new Labour government must provide a policy framework that supports a range of cost-effective low carbon fuels capable of efficient performance and carbon reduction. The government must also focus on an open and transparent collaborative approach with all facets of the power and energy industry so that all nuanced building envelopes can transition towards a low carbon future.

One way in which a new Labour government will be measured in terms of performance and commitment within UK energy is the direction of off-grid fuels and appliances.

There are approximately 1.65 million non-domestic buildings in England and Wales according to the last official report a few years ago.  Non-domestic buildings are defined as buildings which are not used as homes. Therefore, these buildings are diverse in size and structure and include commercial and public premises. Half (48%) of the NDCs surveyed used a form of electric heating on their premises whilst 30% had an oil boiler and 12% had an LPG boiler.

Of these approximately 280,000 are in areas not connected to the gas grid, and many of these use either oil, liquified petroleum gas (LPG), or coal powered heating systems to heat their buildings. The phasing out of fossil fuel installations in non-domestic buildings will therefore require a significant increase in the deployment of low carbon heating solutions, such as hybrid heating & hot water systems.

On the residential part of this sector there are an estimated 4.4 million households across the UK not connected to the gas grid in 2021, accounting for 15.1% of domestic properties, a sizable proportion of UK housing stock. Heat pumps are a viable carbon reducing technology capable of covering a sizable percentage of UK decarbonisation targets but are unlikely to satisfy rural customers due to a lack of insulation and other technical issues in older off-grid properties.

Rather than replacing a boiler or commercial water heating system and purchasing a heat pump, there are alternative ways to provide heat and hot water to off-grid properties. Drop in solutions such as BioLPG and future fuels such as r-DME mean that boilers and water heaters do not have to be replaced. Gaseous systems that accept fossil fuels are also capable of receiving biofuels as legitimate energies.

Future capacity of r-DME and other alternative biofuels are set to rise sharply in an approaching period further increasing the likelihood of this fuel being introduced nationally at some stage soon.

Off-grid UK residents are in an identical position to all other owners of residential and commercial properties in a requirement to decarbonise. As with all other domiciles and business premises that are off grid the UK government needs to implement a nationwide plan that is designed to ensure the quickest and cleanest route towards carbon reduction.

Current proposals insist all fossil fuel and LPG domestic boilers and commercial water heaters that provide heat and hot water to off-grid domiciles and commercial properties will be banned from 2035. In replacement of traditional boilers, the new UK government, instead, suggests that a heat pump is the preferred method of clean energy off-grid heating and hot water. This policy approach unfortunately does little to address those hard to abate properties that are seemingly left with no technical, practical or economically feasible solution. There have been huge investments, on a global scale, of billions of dollars and euros in synthetic and alternative fuels for off-grid.

For example, Dimeta – a collaborative effort by two of the world’s leading LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) distributors, SHV Energy and UGI International – is constructing a £150 million renewable & recycled carbon DME production plant in Teesside, northeast UK. Once operational the plant will produce over 50,000 tonnes of DME from non-recyclable waste – the equivalent of 25% of LPG domestic heating in the UK.

In addition to the first plant in the UK, subsequent plants are in development in Europe and the United States, as part of Dimeta’s goal to achieve 300,000 tonnes of DME production capacity by 2027.

American gas and electric company UGI and Dutch global LGP and LNG distributor SHV Energy said last year that they plan to construct up to six plants over the next five years with a total production capacity of 300,000 t of r-DME. Total investment could reach $1 billion if r-DME production facilities are constructed across Europe and America.

Rinnai and Dimeta are working together to design and produce off-grid energy and hot water supplies to properties not connected to the UK national grid. Rinnai is sensitive to both national and global shifts in customer and energy market requirements.

Rinnai and Dimeta have also signed a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). Both companies will work together to explore blending DME with LPG and used in existing appliances. Dimeta and Rinnai will also aim to develop 100% DME dedicated appliances, including hot water production systems, boilers and dryers.

Rinnai aims to supply all UK customers with updated information pertaining to all energy matters that may affect future domestic and commercial decarbonising options.

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  • Rinnai’s range of decarbonising products – H1/H2/H3 – consists of hot water heating units in gas/BioLPG/DME, hydrogen ready units, electric instantaneous hot water heaters, electric storage cylinders and buffer vessels, a comprehensive range of heat pumps, solar, hydrogen-ready or natural gas in any configuration of hybrid formats for either residential or commercial applications. Rinnai’s H1/2/3 range of products and systems offer contractors, consultants and end users a range of efficient, robust and affordable low carbon/decarbonising appliances which create practical, economic and technically feasible solutions.
  • Rinnai is a world leading manufacturer of hot water heaters and produces over two million units a year, operating on each of the five continents. The brand has gained an established reputation for producing products that offer high performance, cost efficiency and extended working lives.
  • Rinnai products are UKCA certified, A-rated water efficiency, accessed through multiple fuel options and are available for purchase 24/7, 365 days a year. Any unit can be delivered to any UK site within 24 hours.
  • Rinnai offer carbon and cost comparison services that will calculate financial and carbon savings made when investing in a Rinnai system. Rinnai also provide a system design service that will suggest an appropriate system for the property in question.
  • Rinnai offer comprehensive training courses and technical support in all aspects of the water heating industry including detailed CPD’s.
  • The Rinnai range covers all forms of fuels and appliances currently available – electric, gas, hydrogen, BioLPG, DME solar thermal, low GWP heat pumps and electric water heaters More information can be found on Rinnai’s website and its “Help Me Choose” webpage.




20%                REDUCTION of opex cost

30%                REDUCTION of initial cost

15%                REDUCTION in carbon

75%                REDUCTION of space


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Chris Goggin looks at the current state play in the UK energy , heating and hot water provision marketplace




Commercial heating and hot water provision sectors currently exist in a state of uncertainty in relation to customer costs, outside investment, future direction and implementation of national legislation that encourages decarbonisation. Further turbulence will be exacerbated by the certainty of a UK general election and a possible change of government which could signal a redrafting of national energy policy.

Over a year the current UK government and opposition parties have reneged on several ecological pledges and appears to have lost momentum in implementing national decarbonisation. Shifts in policy has resulted in creating confusion for investors inside the UK energy market. And, in the meantime, life goes on as the population still requires heating and hot water provision, through new build and replacement. UK national energy acquisition, property regulations and UK gas boiler manufacture are areas of the UK energy market that have experienced recent reversals in terms of active or in-coming legislation.

One of the UK’s biggest insurance company’s – Aviva – was quoted in The Times as saying: “the government increasingly focuses on short-term energy security over long-term sustainability.”

As European and American big business have embraced large renewable projects, UK political indecision, ever rising global energy costs and the question of supply security has led to a lack of investment within large scale UK renewable projects. Also published in the same Times article as above, Aviva believe that “the recent dilution in government net zero targets is an even bigger challenge and creates uncertainty.”

The Energy Transition Readiness Index 2023 is a measurement of a regions ability to transition towards NetZero. It is a report compiled for potential investors to evaluate a country’s viability towards profiteering from renewable electricity. The latest report   believes that investors will only be attracted towards UK projects if they can observe clear and succinct governance as well as regulatory stability. Presently there is not enough evidence of either to entice outside capital investment.

The UK government has had to offer £800 million to support new offshore wind farms as the amount of capital incentives offered in the previous round of CfD offshore wind auctions failed to attract a single bid.

 Concurrent with this is the MEES situation. These are regulations which ensure that all buildings are in ownership of an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) with an “E” as its lowest rating. Further amendments drafted in 2021 aimed for Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards to be raised to “D” in 2025 and “C” in 2030.

This would have meant that landlords who privately own and rent property across the UK would have had to legally meet energy efficiency standards to continue renting to customers.

However, the UK government has scrapped these plans as implementation would have meant extra costs to both landlord and property rental customer. A redrafting of MEES regulations is expected and will likely impose clean energy standards on rented property.

Also, there is the ‘ban’ on gas boilers being installed at off-grid sites has been lengthened from 2026 to 2035. The “boiler tax” has also been delayed. This proposed tax system would have been imposed on gas boiler manufacturers that failed to substitute several percentage points of boiler sales for heat pump sales, resulting in a £3,000 fine for each missed installation.

A potential new government later this year could also introduce further change to the UK energy market by way of a new direction in policy and cost. As one observer said about the current parlous state of play in the UK now as being akin to ‘all the runners are lined up for a sprint start to a very quick finish line’.

Specifiers, contractors, installers and UK property owners should seek manufacturers of hot water and heating products that can offer a wide range of appliances in the variety of energy vectors to produce low carbon solutions for all residential, industrial and commercial properties. It is likely that the UK will hold on to natural gas for the moment whilst purposely manoeuvring different energies and production into play on a mass scale – be they wind, solar, DME, BioLPG.







Rinnai’s H3 range of decarbonising products include hydrogen / BioLPG ready technology, hybrid systems, and a wide range of LOW GWP heat pumps and solar thermal. Also, within Rinnai’s H3 range is Infinity hydrogen blend ready and BioLPG ready continuous flow water heaters which are stacked with a multitude of features that ensure long life, robust & durable use, customer satisfaction and product efficiency.

Rinnai’s range of decarbonising products – H1/H2/H3 – consists of heat pump, solar, hydrogen in any configuration, hybrid formats for either residential or commercial applications. Rinnai’s H3 range of products offer contractors, consultants and end users a range of efficient, robust and affordable decarbonising appliances which create practical, economic and technically feasible solutions. The range covers all forms of fuels and appliances currently available – electric, gas, hydrogen, BioLPG, DME solar thermal, low GWP heat pumps and electric water heaters.

Rinnai H1 continuous water heaters and boilers offer practical and economic decarbonization delivered through technological innovation in hydrogen and renewable liquid gas ready technology.

Rinnai’s H1 option is centred on hydrogen, as it is anticipated that clean hydrogen fuels will become internationally energy market-relevant in the future; Rinnai water heaters are hydrogen 20% blends ready and include the world’s first 100% hydrogen-ready hot water heating technology.

Rinnai H2 – Decarbonization simplified with renewable gas-ready units, Solar Thermal and Heat Pump Hybrids. Rinnai H2 is designed to introduce a practical and low-cost option which may suit specific sites and enable multiple decarbonisation pathways with the addition of high performance.

Rinnai H3 – Low-GWP heat pump technology made easy – Rinnai heat pumps are available for domestic and commercial usage with an extensive range of 4 – 115kW appliances.

Rinnai’s H3 heat pumps utilise R32 refrigerant and have favourable COP and SCOP.

Rinnai is a world leading manufacturer of hot water heaters and produces over two million units a year, operating on each of the five continents. The brand has gained an established reputation for producing products that offer high performance, cost efficiency and extended working lives.

Rinnai’s commercial and domestic continuous flow water heaters offer a limitless supply of instantaneous temperature controlled hot water and all units are designed to align with present and future energy sources. Rinnai condensing water heaters accept either existing fuel or hydrogen gas blends. Rinnai units are also suited for off-grid customers who require LPG and BioLPG or DME.

Rinnai products are UKCA certified, A-rated water efficiency, accessed through multiple fuel options and are available for purchase 24/7, 365 days a year. Any unit can be delivered to any UK site within 24 hours. Rinnai offer carbon and cost comparison services that will calculate financial and carbon savings made when investing in a Rinnai system. Rinnai also provide a system design service that will suggest an appropriate system for the property in question. Rinnai offer comprehensive training courses and technical support in all aspects of the water heating industry including detailed CPD’s. More information can be found on Rinnai’s website and its “Help Me Choose” webpage.


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Rinnai’s Pete Seddon details the workings of a commercial heat pump


Heat pumps have a leading position in the pecking order of appliances that can work on commercial sites and property and drive towards NetZero and decarbonisation. The ever-growing interest in heat pump technology means an equal amount of curiosity is devoted to how a heat pump works.

What are the main internal mechanisms that enable a smooth operational product life cycle of a heat pump? And what are the inner mechanisms that provide product functionality?

Rinnai have launched a range of blogs and Vlogs entitled

Rinnai Pathways which seek answering questions such as this one


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A commercial heat pump operates and uses similar technology in a similar way to an everyday consumer product, a common refrigerator. A “fridge” operates by extracting heat from within the fridge cabinet and exhausts this heat into the room. A heat pump follows a similar process however it is installed outside and extracts heat from the outside air and then transfers the heat generated into a body of water.

A heat pump has four main components within the closed circuit which is also known as the refrigerant circuit.

These components are:

  1. The Compressor.

A compressor is used to move gaseous refrigerant through the refrigeration circuit, and a heat exchanger, which extracts heat from the source. The heat is then passed on to a heat sink through another heat exchanger.

  1. The Condenser.

The condenser is a form of heat exchanger and is used to transfer the heat from the hot compressed gas into the water without coming directly in to contact with each other. As a lot of the heat is removed from the gas it will now change state from a gas to a liquid but will still be high pressure.

  1. The Expansion Device

The expansion device allows the pressure of the refrigerant to be lowered which in turn will allow its state to be changed at lower temperatures which is crucial for the whole process.

  1. The Evaporator.

The evaporator is the component that starts the process all over again and is another form of heat exchanger. By using a fan, it draws air across the Evaporator which allows the refrigerant to change state back into a low-pressure gas ready to go back into the compressor. This then goes back to the compressor to continue to the cycle.

There are of course a lot more components within the heat pump that are integral to its operation and the overall heat pump efficiency such as thermistors to monitor the temperature of the refrigerant and the Control Board to ensure the desired output is achieved.

Commercial heat pumps can transfer heat even in minus temperatures, air source and ground source heat pumps could generate heat as low as -20°C ambient temperature. Conversely, they also create heat at extremely high temperatures. This is achieved because of the low boiling point of the refrigerant gases.

Commercial heat pumps generally use less energy to operate than they output in heat energy, making them extremely efficient – however when the temperature lift for commercial water heating or space heating is substantial (Temperature lift = outdoor air temperature and the temperature heat is delivered at within the building).

The heat pump efficiency i.e., COP or SCOP will reduce, therefore many heat pumps work at their optimum with low temperature heat distribution systems (such as underfloor heating) and why performance reduces dramatically when a heat pump is required to supply heat at high temperature for conventional domestic hot water.

Rinnai’s H3 range of products include domestic and commercial heat pumps that offer immediate property decarbonisation. Rinnai is determined to provide UK customers with cost effective low carbon solutions towards domestic and commercial hot water and building heating provision.



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Rinnai’s H3 range of decarbonising products include hydrogen / BioLPG ready technology, hybrid systems, and a wide range of LOW GWP heat pumps and solar thermal. Also, within Rinnai’s H3 range is Infinity hydrogen blend ready and BioLPG ready continuous flow water heaters which are stacked with a multitude of features that ensure long life, robust & durable use, customer satisfaction and product efficiency.

Rinnai’s range of decarbonising products – H1/H2/H3 – consists of heat pump, solar, hydrogen in any configuration, hybrid formats for either residential or commercial applications. Rinnai’s H3 range of products offer contractors, consultants and end users a range of efficient, robust and affordable decarbonising appliances which create practical, economic and technically feasible solutions. The range covers all forms of fuels and appliances currently available – electric, gas, hydrogen, BioLPG, rDME solar thermal, low GWP heat pumps and electric water heaters.

Rinnai H1 continuous water heaters and boilers offer practical and economic decarbonization delivered through technological innovation in hydrogen and renewable liquid gas ready technology.

Rinnai’s H1 option is centred on hydrogen, as it is anticipated that clean hydrogen fuels will become internationally energy market-relevant in the future; Rinnai water heaters are hydrogen 20% blends ready and include the world’s first 100% hydrogen-ready hot water heating technology.

Rinnai H2 – Decarbonization simplified with renewable gas-ready units, Solar Thermal and Heat Pump Hybrids. Rinnai H2 is designed to introduce a practical and low-cost option which may suit specific sites and enable multiple decarbonisation pathways with the addition of high performance.

Rinnai H3 – Low-GWP heat pump technology made easy – Rinnai heat pumps are available for domestic and commercial usage with an extensive range of 4 – 115kW appliances.

Rinnai’s H3 heat pumps utilise R32 refrigerant and have favourable COP and SCOP.

Rinnai is a world leading manufacturer of hot water heaters and produces over two million units a year, operating on each of the five continents. The brand has gained an established reputation for producing products that offer high performance, cost efficiency and extended working lives.

Rinnai’s commercial and domestic continuous flow water heaters offer a limitless supply of instantaneous temperature controlled hot water and all units are designed to align with present and future energy sources. Rinnai condensing water heaters accept either existing fuel or hydrogen gas blends. Rinnai units are also suited for off-grid customers who require LPG and BioLPG or rDME.

Rinnai products are i2HY20 certified, A-rated water efficiency, accessed through multiple fuel options and are available for purchase 24/7, 365 days a year. Any unit can be delivered to any UK site within 24 hours. Rinnai offer carbon and cost comparison services that will calculate financial and carbon savings made when investing in a Rinnai system. Rinnai also provide a system design service that will suggest an appropriate system for the property in question. Rinnai offer comprehensive training courses and technical support in all aspects of the water heating industry including detailed CPD’s. More information can be found on Rinnai’s website and its “Help Me Choose” webpage.



New from Rinnai is a comprehensive range of heat pumps plus all ancillary products such as hybrid hot water tanks are now available for direct delivery to site in one complete system consignment. Rinnai Heat Pumps are an integral part of the H3 list of solutions to achieve lower carbon. Rinnai heat pumps are the optimal choice in decarbonising technology that ensures immediate domestic and commercial carbon neutrality.

Rinnai’s range of Monobloc air source heat pumps are available in an assortment of variants, from 4 to 110kW. Rinnai Monobloc air source Low-GWP heat pump technology allows up to seven units to be cascaded together, making the Rinnai heat pump range an ideal choice for any heating or hot water demand. The innovative ability of the system to switch between heating, hot water, and cooling mode ensures that the Rinnai range has flexibility and durability as standard.

The units omit minimum acoustics via an installed ultra-low sound capability making Rinnai heat pumps suitable for any area with prohibitive sound legislation. Rinnai’s range operates within compliance of all stringent sound standards ensuring low-sound functionality.

All Rinnai heat pumps use R32 refrigerant, renowned for reducing electricity consumption by up to 10% and for holding a lower global warming potential (GWP). R32 has a GWP one-third lower than other refrigerants. Rinnai’s HPI heat pump range is ratified with an ERP rating of A +++ and includes an ability to switch between settings of heating, hot water and cooling.

Rinnai’s heat pump range delivers all domestic and commercial requirements whilst negating the release of any harmful toxicants into the atmosphere. Rinnai’s heat pump range maintain a high level of operational performance and can service all domestic and commercial needs.

Rinnai’s H3 LowGWP 55kW Heat Pump/Hybrid Hot Water Tanks with cascaded continuous flow hot water heating units were recently specified at a new development in the heart of the Farringdon district of London. The site is for a luxury hotel plus prestigious office complex and affordable homes.

The site will eventually have a 150+ bedroom luxury hotel, almost 20,000 sq ft of opulent capital city office space and nine new-build affordable residential units. The hotel group already has one other hotel in London with two others planned.

Rinnai products are designed to perform at a high operational level, maintain a robust product lifecycle whilst reducing customer cost and environmental impact across the entire purchase process.

Rinnai’s HPI heat pumps, hybrid formations, electrical formats and hydrogen gas mix powered water heaters are part of the H3 range of products. All new models are designed to reduce decarbonisation, energy efficiency and reduce customer costs by offering practical, affordable and technological solutions to UK customers.



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Rinnai’s H3 range of decarbonising products include hydrogen / BioLPG ready technology, hybrid systems, and a wide range of LOW GWP heat pumps and solar thermal. Also, within Rinnai’s H3 range is Infinity hydrogen blend ready and BioLPG ready continuous flow water heaters which are stacked with a multitude of features that ensure long life, robust & durable use, customer satisfaction and product efficiency.

Rinnai’s range of decarbonising products – H1/H2/H3 – consists of heat pump, solar, hydrogen in any configuration, hybrid formats for either residential or commercial applications. Rinnai’s H3 range of products offer contractors, consultants and end users a range of efficient, robust and affordable decarbonising appliances which create practical, economic and technically feasible solutions. The range covers all forms of fuels and appliances currently available – electric, gas, hydrogen, BioLPG, rDME solar thermal, low GWP heat pumps and electric water heaters.

Rinnai H1 continuous water heaters and boilers offer practical and economic decarbonization delivered through technological innovation in hydrogen and renewable liquid gas ready technology.

Rinnai’s H1 option is centred on hydrogen, as it is anticipated that clean hydrogen fuels will become internationally energy market-relevant in the future; Rinnai water heaters are hydrogen 20% blends ready and include the world’s first 100% hydrogen-ready hot water heating technology.

Rinnai H2 – Decarbonization simplified with renewable gas-ready units, Solar Thermal and Heat Pump Hybrids. Rinnai H2 is designed to introduce a practical and low-cost option which may suit specific sites and enable multiple decarbonisation pathways with the addition of high performance.

Rinnai H3 – Low-GWP heat pump technology made easy – Rinnai heat pumps are available for domestic and commercial usage with an extensive range of 4 – 115kW appliances.

Rinnai’s H3 heat pumps utilise R32 refrigerant and have favourable COP and SCOP.

Rinnai is a world leading manufacturer of hot water heaters and produces over two million units a year, operating on each of the five continents. The brand has gained an established reputation for producing products that offer high performance, cost efficiency and extended working lives.

Rinnai’s commercial and domestic continuous flow water heaters offer a limitless supply of instantaneous temperature controlled hot water and all units are designed to align with present and future energy sources. Rinnai condensing water heaters accept either existing fuel or hydrogen gas blends. Rinnai units are also suited for off-grid customers who require LPG and BioLPG or rDME.

Rinnai products are i2HY20 certified, A-rated water efficiency, accessed through multiple fuel options and are available for purchase 24/7, 365 days a year. Any unit can be delivered to any UK site within 24 hours. Rinnai offer carbon and cost comparison services that will calculate financial and carbon savings made when investing in a Rinnai system. Rinnai also provide a system design service that will suggest an appropriate system for the property in question. Rinnai offer comprehensive training courses and technical support in all aspects of the water heating industry including detailed CPD’s. More information can be found on Rinnai’s website and its “Help Me Choose” webpage.