
Nuisance Recorder Noise measurement experts Cirrus Research have introduced a new version of its industry leading Trojan noise nuisance recorder. The TrojanLITE is ideal for housing associations that need to measure noise nuisance in a quick, simple and easy deployment scenario.

The advanced technology allows officers to gather quality data with minimum fuss to the householder, allowing the investigator to collate the data for quicker complaint resolution. Designed, manufactured and supported in the UK by Cirrus Research, TrojanLITE captures loudness and frequency level data, as well as record high quality audio of the alleged noise nuisance.

Once collated, officers will be able to access the data by downloading the free NoiseTools Software that is already part of the overall system. The measurements can be viewed or listened to as audio recordings and then incorporated to create quick and simple reports. James Tingay, quality and product development, said: “We spent a lot of time consulting with existing customers and have included a range of useful features to allow the user to get the very best from the equipment.

“Time really was of the essence with most of the clients we spoke to, so we have ensured with the TrojanLITE there’s no need for step-by-step instructions – simply plug in, calibrate and the equipment is ready to go.

“It really can be used by anyone and you don’t need to have acoustic training or background.”

Other key features include:

  • If someone forgets to press start, the instrument will automatically start measuring after 10 minutes.
  • Wireless remote control – if the user has limited mobility or the noise nuisance recorder is placed in a different room, being able to start/stop the kit without having to go back to the box was the most asked for feature in the research.
  • The TrojanLITE is preset to measure 24 hour blocks of data, making it easier to find the problem areas and listen to the recordings.
  • The standard audio recording on the Trojan uses a 16bit/16kHz uncompressed WAV file. Audio recordings can handle both high and low levels with no loss of quality – vital if clients want to capture both low levels at night and higher levels during the day (such as doors banging or music playing). There’s no risk of overload or under-range in the measurements or audio recordings.
  • Once the case is locked, the power cable and microphone cable are fixed. This means there’s no risk of the cables being pulled out either accidentally or deliberately.

Why Choose the TrojanLITE Noise Nuisance Recorder?

  • Capture data on the level and frequency of noise complaints
  • Record audio to ascertain what is really going on
  • No acoustic understanding required to set-up and deploy
  • Easy to download and analyse data to generate reports as evidence
  • Helps to easily determine actionable noise complaints
  • Training and support available directly from Cirrus Research.
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