
Recticel Insulation is delighted to announce that its Eurothane® GP PIR board has become one of the first UK construction products to receive Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) accreditation.

The verification helps product users to be assured data associated with Eurothane® GP is accurate, up-to-date, clear, accessible and unambiguous. This information is crucial in assisting customers to make more informed decisions in respect of product specification. It will also help improve building standards due to products being used safely and appropriately.

Paul Simpson, Commercial Director UK & Ireland at Recticel said:

“The CCPI accreditation for our product set is extremely good news. We have long been advocates for more clarity with respect to building product information. It will have beneficial ramifications throughout the building supply chain and hopefully lead to more buildings being constructed as designed.”

Initiated by the Construction Products Association’s Marketing Integrity Group following industry-wide consultation, CCPI aligns with Dame Judith Hackitt’s call for a ‘golden thread’ of information as part of her post-Grenfell report into the fire safety of buildings. Dame Judith addressed manufacturers including Recticel at a CCPI Assessment and Verification event held in London to highlight the first products to achieve Code accreditation.

 “It was an honour to be invited to attend the CCPI Verification event along with other key stakeholders who share our commitment to higher building standards. CCPI accreditation should be the aim of all construction product manufacturers. It helps to support confidence in a product’s performance whilst providing users with access to verified, relevant knowledge to help them build better, safer and smarter.”

Suitable for multiple applications including floors, pitched roofs and timber framed walls, Eurothane® GP demonstrates a good thermal performance (0.022 W/mK). This, in conjunction with its lightweight, easy-handling properties, makes it an ideal solution for contractors, installers and end users.


To find out how Eurothane® GP can help your next building project


For CCPI information