Flood risk challenges rising

Oxfordshire flood risk challenges rising, warns trade body

Dangerous flash flooding, rising water tables, and insurance difficulties are among the increasing flood risk challenges facing households in Oxfordshire.

This is according to The Property Care Association (PCA), which has called for a strategic approach to flood risk management to encourage better resilience as the UK government aims to fulfil its manifesto pledge of building 1.5 million homes.

Earlier this month, the PCA, which represents the UK’s building protection industry, raised the need for a cohesive strategy for flood risk at planning, community, and individual levels to the Bricks and Water cross-party committee at the House of Lords.

The trade body also indicated post-flood repair costs are set to spiral for insurers and property owners, while the expiration of the Flood Re initiative between government and insurers in 2039 could result in appropriate household insurance not being provided for property in flood risk areas.

Andrew Devitt, technical manager (waterproofing) at the PCA, said: “The current approach to flood mitigation is uncoordinated, resulting in low uptake of currently available flood resilience schemes, despite clear evidence that homes that are resiliently designed are effectively protected from future flood events.

“The PCA has a network of members involved in flood protection and aims to further develop specialist training so surveyors can deliver actionable solutions and enable insurers to reassess financial risks and potentially extend cover to properties that are currently deemed uninsurable.”


Source: Bicester Chronicle


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