London is not prepared for another major surface water flooding incident

Despite greater coordination of stakeholders since the floods of 2021, London is not prepared for another major surface water flooding incident and lives and livelihoods are at risk.

Flooding poses a lethal risk to Londoners. In November 2023, the Chief Executive of the Environment Agency told the Public Accounts Committee:


“What genuinely keeps me awake at night is surface water flooding. In July, we saw a tragic incident with two deaths in Liverpool. As a society, we have to take that much more seriously. It is difficult to forecast these very intense rain cells, and often we do not have the necessary warning systems.”


Once again this is a nationwide problem with London-specific considerations. In July 2021, London was hit by two extreme rainstorms; some parts of the city received. more than twice the average July rainfall in two hours causing major disruption and over 2,000 properties flooded with stormwater and sewage. The voluntary London Surface Water Strategic Group is good, but is not currently moving at the pace needed.





Download The London Climate Resilience Review final report here




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